Power Up! English Listening
【学習方法】 Many English ‘cloze’ listening activities will be done (from English songs, videos, News reports, audiobooks, TV documentaries, etc.). Your listening abilities will improve by listening; by repetition; and by quickly making many educated GUESSES. Conversational and discussion elements will be included, to ensure that your listening abilities are better synchronized with your speaking skills. Most important is trying...and not giving up! ‘Power it up!’ [Gambatte!] Explanations by the teacher are given in English (and in a little Japanese, if needed).
【学習形態】 Your teacher would like to challenge you (inspire you) to ‘power up’ your listening abilities by using English songs, English News, English audiobooks, and English videos. Many ‘cloze’ exercise photocopies will be provided to students: blank spaces will be filled in by students. Both speaking and listening activities will be included, to ensure that listening & speaking BOTH develop.
【受講生に期待する到達レベル】 Your improvement and progress depend on YOU. If you come to every class; participate 327%; bring powerful motivation and energy to class; and ‘GO FOR IT’ (gambarimasu), you CAN make SIGNIFICANT progress in improving your English-listening abilities! ‘Power it up!’ [Gambatte!]